Hello friends,
Alright, I’ve fallen off the wagon and it’s time to get back on. Between building a new company, personal travel, and the requisite annual sickness, my focus has been unsurprisingly shoddy. But, after a long delay in writing, I’m settling back into the groove.
I know my last newsletter teased that I would have a big update coming soon, and I expect to deliver on that promise. But, like most things in life, the situation is evolving slower than expected and the timing isn’t exactly right.
So for now, let’s stick to the weekly reading and product list. I hope you find it insightful!
For Your Consideration
“Wealth is a positive-sum game and status is a zero-sum game.”
Selected Reading
1. The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake by David Brooks
tl;dr, Over the past century, we’ve experienced a dramatic shift that’s reframed the customary family institutions and norms that we’ve grown to accept. In our ongoing shift to find new ways to improve our lives, we’ve moved away from large, interconnected families to detached, self-reliant nuclear units. This article explores the devastating effects of the changing conventions.
2. Humans Are Still Evolving: 3 Examples of Recent Adaptations by Sarah Sloat
tl;dr, People don’t change. Or do they? The slow-moving, evolutionary flywheel has altered some of our most basic biological traits, ushering in a few interesting—and peculiar—new adaptations worth exploring.
3. The Boomer Blockade: How One Generation Reshaped the Workforce and Left Everyone Behind by Paul Millerd
tl;dr, “largest generation, got promoted younger during booming 80s/90s, staying in jobs 60+ yo, tilted workforce demographics, Gen X & Millennials stagnant at work, residual narrative & wealth gap”
Product Recommendation

PLYST – Create smart playlists for your Spotify library by Josh Pigfor
I’ve always found Spotify’s playlists to be a letdown. And not the “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” kind of let down. For me, it’s the Santa Claus doesn’t exist sort of disappointment.
PLYST isn’t bringing the magic of Santa Claus back, but it’s decreasing my daily disappointment with Spotify playlists.
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Thanks for reading, and see you next week,
— Kevin K.